miércoles, 23 de mayo de 2007

Carrer without studies?

At present time, which is clearly embossed of the globalisation, are there still possibilities for a career without studies?

Which opportunities have high school graduates who do not want to study?

Perspectives - Career without studies

More and more high school graduates decide not to attend a university, but this is not reason for setting their success in the working environment aside.

One reason is that are to many students in to less lectures. If you attend a course together with 800 other students the chance of asking questions or even the understanding of the professor is affected negatively.

It is hard to get educational books – in most cases there are sold out and if the student want to talk to a professor the appointment has to be made three weeks in advance. To much time if there are exams soon.

Not in a mood for campus

A decreasing number of high school graduates follow track to get the classical, academical title. The attendance to start studies, is declining for years. Now, with the introduction of tuition fees, it hits rock bottom.

At regular intervals, members of the educational research team (HIS – Hannover) make research and ask high school graduates about their future plans.

Only 65 % of the ex pupils interviewed in 2006 were sure about to start studies at the a university. The percentage of women was only 62 %. In the previous year the quote of people who want to study was still 69 %.

New possibilities

There are various opportunities for high school graduates now. The classical way:

  1. high school diploma
  2. studies
  3. job

is only one under many others (to achieve the “Dream Job”).


  • Special straightened training schedules/ plans for graduates within a company
  • Dual studies at a university of cooperative education
  • Challenging courses at a full-time vocational schoool

However the decision to study or rather doing an apprenticeship is still very hard for many pupils. To make a choice, the graduates should follow their interests and abilities and not ensue current trends or not at all family traditions. There is also the possibility o fan aptitude test (during school time or afterwards). Such tests can help to rank strengthens and weaknesses and to detect suitable fields of activities.

The graduates also should ask themselves: Can I complete a study within normally 10 semesters successfully? Especially at a university high motivation and self organized procedure of the students is necessary. They also have to face multiple a abstract topics.

If someone can not imagine that and is more assessed to craft or art should think about an apprenticeship or a dual education.

A career without studies is possible!

The argument of classical studies was devitalized long ago: Career without university graduation is feasible.
A study of the German consultancy “Kienbaum” showed that merely 21 % of managers have studied. Another intern study of the computer giant IBM also had a surprising result: 40 % of the Top Managers were successful with their graduation at a university of cooperative education.

Concluding, everyone can be successful. People how are amitious, eager for knowledge and not afraid of competitiors. There will always be competitors, colleagues, or even friends that are superior, but in the end the motivation and the will to achieve something "big" counts.

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